Class **Phalcon\\Validation\\Validator\\Between** ================================================= *extends* abstract class :doc:`Phalcon\\Validation\\Validator ` *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\Validation\\ValidatorInterface ` .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html :raw-html:`Source on GitHub` Validates that a value is between an inclusive range of two values. For a value x, the test is passed if minimum<=x<=maximum. .. code-block:: php add( "price", new Between( [ "minimum" => 0, "maximum" => 100, "message" => "The price must be between 0 and 100", ] ) ); $validator->add( [ "price", "amount", ], new Between( [ "minimum" => [ "price" => 0, "amount" => 0, ], "maximum" => [ "price" => 100, "amount" => 50, ], "message" => [ "price" => "The price must be between 0 and 100", "amount" => "The amount must be between 0 and 50", ], ] ) ); Methods ------- public **validate** (:doc:`Phalcon\\Validation ` $validation, *mixed* $field) Executes the validation public **__construct** ([*array* $options]) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Validation\\Validator ` Phalcon\\Validation\\Validator constructor public **isSetOption** (*mixed* $key) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Validation\\Validator ` Checks if an option has been defined public **hasOption** (*mixed* $key) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Validation\\Validator ` Checks if an option is defined public **getOption** (*mixed* $key, [*mixed* $defaultValue]) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Validation\\Validator ` Returns an option in the validator's options Returns null if the option hasn't set public **setOption** (*mixed* $key, *mixed* $value) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Validation\\Validator ` Sets an option in the validator